up:: Cognitive biases MOC

«When you reward someone in a conscious way, you do it with the intention of reinforcing certain behaviors or attitudes.»

People feel and act more creative when they are driven by personal motivation, goals, aspirations. Intrinsic motivation. You are more concentrated, composed, creative.

However, in comparison, when they are motivated from the external environment, such as incentives, rewards, then people’s intrinsic motivation seem to undermine affecting effectiveness and causing cheating or unethical behavior. Extrinsic motivation.

Relying on reward-based motivation might be effective in a situations that are exceptions, such as recycling, energy conservation, obeying traffic laws, or getting senior citizens to participate in physical activity.

It’s more beneficial to let someone do an activity himself that’ll increase engagement and unlock his potential AND THEN give him an unexpected and non-contingent tangible reward that, according to numerous studies, don’t negatively affect intrinsic motivation.
