up:: Evergreen notes MOC

How to make evergreen notes?

  1. Consume content. Smth that resonates, surprises.
  2. Write it down using Fleeting notes
    1. Whether it’s an idea or concept on some topic. It’s called Fleeting note. Then we usually drop it into our inbox for further processing.
  3. Process it
    1. Get the gist of that. Decompose it and Progressively summarize it
  4. Do your own thinking
  5. Paraphrase it using your own words
    1. The attempt to rephrase an argument in our own words confronts us without mercy with all the gaps in our understanding. - Sonke Ahrens
  6. Make it atomic
  7. Evolve it while time passes


  • Куда здесь впихнуть Progressive summarization?
  • Нужно ли его вообще сюда впихать?
  • Или может он объеденяет все эти перечисленные этапы?

See also: