- Advancing Emma’s Chamberlain Coffee company ^8a1bfd
- The voice of the brand
- What’s the message of the brand
- How does the brand speak to the customer
- Aesthetic
- What’s the aesthetic of the brand
- What’s the color scheme?
- What’s the logo?
- What’s the social media going to look like?
- Product
- Do we need more product?
- How much do we need to add?
- Take what you’ve learned from the failures and try again, put your ego aside and be persistent.
- Don’t stop learning.
- Use Lean Startup Methodology for receiving either positive or negative feedback and then use it to improve and enhance your product.
- То есть можно вводить ----- по-тихоньку, тестируя вначале, а затем решаю надо или нет.