Here’s a detailed guide on how to download, set up, and use PostgreSQL on Linux Manjaro, structured for use as a concise and practical cheatsheet.

PostgreSQL on Manjaro: Installation and Setup Guide

1. Install PostgreSQL

Manjaro uses pacman as its package manager, and PostgreSQL is available in the official repositories.

# Update package database
sudo pacman -Syu
# Install PostgreSQL
sudo pacman -S postgresql

2. Initialize the Database Cluster

PostgreSQL requires a data directory for storing databases. After installation, you need to initialize this directory.

# Initialize PostgreSQL database cluster
sudo -iu postgres initdb --locale=en_US.UTF-8 -D /var/lib/postgres/data
  • --locale=en_US.UTF-8 ensures UTF-8 encoding for text storage.
  • -D specifies the data directory.

3. Start and Enable PostgreSQL Service

To use PostgreSQL, start the database server and enable it to start on boot.

# Start PostgreSQL service
sudo systemctl start postgresql
# Enable PostgreSQL to start on boot
sudo systemctl enable postgresql

4. Switch to the PostgreSQL User

PostgreSQL uses a special system user (postgres) for managing the database.

# Switch to the postgres user
sudo -iu postgres

Once logged in as postgres, you can use the psql command-line utility.

5. Create a New Role and Database

By default, PostgreSQL has a postgres superuser role. To create your user and database:

# Access PostgreSQL shell
# Create a new database user (role) with a password
# Create a new database
# Exit the PostgreSQL shell

6. Connect to Your Database

Exit from the postgres user and log in as your Linux user. You can then connect to your database:

# Connect to PostgreSQL as your new user
psql -U myuser -d mydb -h localhost
  • -U: Specifies the username.
  • -d: Specifies the database name.
  • -h: Specifies the host (localhost).

7. Basic PostgreSQL Commands

Working with Databases

  • List all databases:
  • Connect to a database:
    \c database_name
  • Create a database:
    CREATE DATABASE db_name;
  • Drop a database:
    DROP DATABASE db_name;

Working with Tables

  • List tables:
  • Create a table:
    CREATE TABLE table_name (
        name VARCHAR(50),
        age INT
  • Insert data:
    INSERT INTO table_name (name, age) VALUES ('John Doe', 30);
  • Query data:
    SELECT * FROM table_name;
  • Drop a table:
    DROP TABLE table_name;


  • Quit psql:
  • Show help for SQL commands:
    \h command_name

8. Enable Remote Connections (Optional)

To allow remote connections:

  1. Edit the PostgreSQL configuration file:

    sudo nano /var/lib/postgres/data/postgresql.conf
    • Uncomment and set listen_addresses:
      listen_addresses = '*'
  2. Configure access control:
    Edit the pg_hba.conf file:

    sudo nano /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf

    Add a line like this to allow connections:

    host all all md5
  3. Restart PostgreSQL:

    sudo systemctl restart postgresql

9. Backup and Restore

Backup a database:

pg_dump -U myuser -d mydb -F c -f mydb.backup

Restore a database:

pg_restore -U myuser -d mydb -F c mydb.backup

10. Uninstall PostgreSQL (if needed)

To remove PostgreSQL:

# Stop the service
sudo systemctl stop postgresql
# Remove PostgreSQL and its dependencies
sudo pacman -Rsn postgresql
# Optionally, remove the data directory
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/postgres/data

Additional Tips

This guide is designed to give you a quick start and reference for PostgreSQL on Manjaro. Save it for troubleshooting, setups, or daily use!