up:: Memory MOC

In psychology, there are considered to be two types of long-term memory: explicit and implicit memory.

Explicit memory includes things you have to consciously recall or those that are brought into awareness through associations. There are two types of explicit memory with the first one being semantic memory — smth that we usually learn and practice deliberately, and the second episodic memory — autobiographical events or experience through which we went through and memorized it naturally

Implicit memory includes things that you remember unconsciously and automatically with repetition(Habit formation provides an evolutionary advantage). Usually non-verbal memories. This type of memory also branches off into two others:

emotional (the emotions you felt during an experience; Pavlov’s conditioned reflex, Ordeals in life)

and procedural (the memory of how to performance task without actively thinking).

When we repeat the same action it becomes more efficient, therefore our neurons fire and strengthen(Hebb’s Law) that miraculously cause spending less effort on this action. So whatever you do once, is easier to do a second time(Embodied cognition)
