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Hemingway’s Bridge is a strategy greatly applicable to writing. The central idea is to create a bridge for yourself between writing sessions or productive sprints.

Instead of burning through every last ounce of energy at the end of a work session, reserve the last few minutes to write down some of the following kinds of things in your digital notes:

Write down ideas for next steps: At the end of a work session, write down what you think the next steps could be for the next one. Works like 2,9 Записка — простой способ сосредоточиться that saves you from deciding what to do, that can be unproductive.

Write down the current status: Write down what’s top of mind at the moment that you want to defer till the next day. Your current plot you are developing or challenge/open question you’re trying to deal with in text.

Write down any details you have in mind that are likely to be forgotten once you step away: Such as details about similar examples in your life that you want to include in your stories. Your right-now thoughts about some detail you want to elaborate.

Write out your intention for the next work session: Set an intention for what you plan on grappling with next. What you want to solve as soon as you start your next session of Deep Work. Works like aforementioned 2,9 Записка — простой способ сосредоточиться but now you can set more task according to 2,7 Правило трех дел.


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