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Learning programming
DOM - Document Object Model
git (END) pager
how does DNS work?
how does HTTP work?
How does the Internet work?
HTTP consists of
HTTP response contain
Internet. Protocols
KANBAN Python Developer Stack
MariaDB SQL set up and commands
PostgreSQL Enable Disable
Python - динамически типизируемый язык
Python OOP by Liama3-8b groq.com
Python Requests. requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects. Exceeded 30 redirects
Tutorial hell - Transitioning from Following to Creating
What are internet protocols?
what is the difference between DNS and URL?
Виды HTTP сообщений
Изменяемые и неизменяемые объекты
Какие базы данных бывают
Наследование + Полиморфизм. Чем они прекрасны?
Настройка виртуального окружения Python
Переменная - лишь ссылка на объект в памяти
Срезы строк и индексы
Типы и структуры данных в Питон
Чем список отличается от кортежа
Cognitive biases MOC
Concepts MOC
Evergreen notes MOC
Languages MOC
Learning MOC
Memory MOC
Mini-Essays MOC
Quotes MOC
Thinking MOC
Time-management MOC
1,1 Definition of Evergreen Notes
1,2 Evergreen notes are
1,3 The principles of evergreen note-writing include
1,4 Good names for Evergreen Titles are
1,5 On the process of making evergreen notes
1,6 Taxonomy of notes
2,1 First thing you do sets the tone of the rest of the day
2,2 Start your morning by doing smth right away instead of lying on your bed
2,3 Build trust with yourself
2,4 Master the decisive moments throughout your day
2,5 Преследуй истинно важные цели
2,6 Targeting non-urgent matters as a sign of maturity
2,7 Правило трех дел
2,8 Greg McKeown's 1-2-3 Method for Daily Scheduling. Snip from The Tim Ferriss Show
2,9 Записка — простой способ сосредоточиться
3,1 3 necessary constituents for skill development 3
4,1 Turn criticism and remarks into opportunities for growth and improvement
5 вопросов для анализа утечек энергии
5,1 Internalization of knowledge
5,2 Generation effect
10,1 Assortative mating in humans with respect to height preferences in partners
Assimilation and Accommodation
Cognitive scaffolding
Do your own thinking
Hemingway’s Bridge
Hiring process and Structured interviews
Interconnected information is learned and retrieved easily
Keep your levels of consumption and creation balanced
Lessons for starting your own company
Make notes more discoverable
New stuff is learned in a way to make use of existing stuff
On importance of being patient and what martial arts can teach you
Prior Knowledge
The better we become at smth, the more efficient we do it
The Feynman Technique
The Hidden cost of Rewards
The Michelangelo Effect
Types of Long-term memory
What I’m Doing Now
Why input hypothesis works?
Why it's important to seek Feedback loop
Как настроить Zotero Integration plugin в Obsidian раз и навсегда
Мой подход в продуктивности
Стоит ли выгружать идею на бумагу, если вы яростно увлечены ею?
Уровни чтения
Learning programming
Graph View
MariaDB SQL set up and commands
Recent notes
Hemingway’s Bridge
Sep 07, 2024
Assimilation and Accommodation
Sep 07, 2024
5 вопросов для анализа утечек энергии
Sep 07, 2024
PostgreSQL Enable Disable
Sep 07, 2024